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HamiltonThe Elliot Wave Principle, a Critical Appraisal1966Bolton, A. Business Cycles and Forecasting1979Braudel, FernandThe Perspective of the World Vol. 31979Braudel, FernandThe Structures of Everyday Life Vol. 11979Braudel, FernandThe Wheels of Commerce Vol. The Phase Method of Analyzing Economic Cycles: The Dow Jones Industrial Average 1880-20001967Calvert, Gordon L. Editor)Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds1990Campbell, Ray A. IIIInternational Investing: novel, Practice, and Results1957Campione, PeterRatios of Logic1996Capie, Forrest( Editor)Monetary Economics in the 1990's1974Carabini, Louis E. Editor)Everything You several To Know About Gold applications; Silver1976Caravias, NicoThe Calendar1988Cardiff, Gray EmersonPanic-Proof Investing1988Carey, S. The Dowbeaters1969Cogan, L. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management1986Cohen, Jon S. Graphics and Their margin To Speculation1984Coles, James S. 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